The Unique Scientific Facility «Experimental complex NEVOD» is the only in the world that allows conducting basic (particle physics and astrophysics) and applied (monitoring of the state of the atmosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth and of extra-terrestrial space) research based on the analysis of detected of natural fluxes of the particles at the Earth’s surface over the entire range of zenith angles (from 0 to 180 degrees) and in the record energy range (1 - 1010 GeV).
NEVOD is the experimental proving ground (demonstration trail) for the development,testing andcalibrationof the newnuclear physicsequipment andnew methods and approaches.
The Complex brings together several independent detectors, each of them has no analogues in the world:
- Cherenkov water detector (CWD) of 2000 m3 volume with a spatial lattice of the quasi-spherical modules (QSM);
- Coordinate-tracking detector DECOR with the total area 70 m2 and a high spatial and angular resolution for the detection of multi-particle events at large zenith angles;
- Wide-aperture muon hodoscope URAGAN with the total setup area 46 m2 for real-time detection and analysis of variations of muon fluxes from any direction limited by the detector acceptance in the range of zenith angles from 0 to 80 degrees;
- System of calibration telescopes (SCT) that allows to calibrate the responses of QSMs and detect electromagnetic and muon components of extensive air showers (EAS);
- Detector PRISMA-32 for the measurements of neutron component of EAS;
- Automated facilities for receiving and processing in real time information from the ground level meteorological automated VaisalaTM station and from low-orbit Earth’s satellites by means of the ALICE-SCTM station;
- Technological systems of water and gas preparation, for cleaning and thermal stabilization of air in the experimental halls and a set of facilities for apparatus testing and calibration.

Heads the Unique Scientific Facility «Experimental complex NEVOD» Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Anatoly Petrukhin.
The works on the development of the Unique Scientific Facility NEVOD are performed with the state financial support provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project RFMEFI59114X0002).